[XY] Character Challenge

The Character Challenge is a Challenge created by EmberJaw.net The Character Challenge is currently under development.

Goal of the Character Challenge:

With the Character Challenge you play as one of many characters like Brock, Erika or Giovanni. It looks a little like the Community Run / Monotype Run. Your goal is of course to become Pokémon Master. This you do with a certain team inspired on the character you play as. The Character Challenge will be optimized for the latest games. Since there will be some kind of check-points throughout the game when you will receive an additional Pokémon for your team. All rules and checkpoints will be added to this article when finished. As well as the characters and their teams. It might take a while for this information to come since all characters will be studied from the manga ’till the games ’till the series.

Each Pokémon team will consist of 8 Pokémon and 3 additional special Pokémon. The first 8 Pokémon will be obtained throughout the game while the additional 3 Pokémon need to be ‘unlocked’ through special missions.

The Character Challenge will require some preparation and the use of either Pokémon Bank or a second game.